'weather to fly' | elbow

i went to see elbow last saturday night. here i am on tuesday night still basking in the elbow afterglow. i could bore you with details, but there simply aren't the words to describe it. it was one of those rare occasions when you 'just had to be there.' you really did. it was just one of the moments when you fall into the sublime, in the truest sense of the word. i couldn't do it justice even if tried.

i will, however, say this: three minutes into the show my man-crush on guy garvey was in full swing and shows no signs of retreating any time soon. i've never seen a performer so quickly charm the collective pants off a crowd quite the way guy garvey did. and it wasn't a show--the guy [no pun intended] is incredibly genuine. i guess that's why his lyrics are as honest as they are and resonate as well as they do.

if you missed them this time around, i hope you don't miss them next time they come around. what a phenomenal band. and what a phenomenal concert.

elbow: weather to fly [from 'the seldom seen kid']
elbow: lay down your cross [from the u.s. version of 'cast of thousands.']

2 shout outs:

Reba said...

Oooooooo I am in love. I wish I could have gone to the concert, but I was there the night before for The Swell Season.

Anonymous said...

j.e.a.l.o.u.s. I love Elbow. Glad to hear it was such a brilliant show!