'emotional champ' | new buffalo

in all honesty, i really think this is one of my favorite songs of the last five years or so.  ok, i don't just think so, i know so.  why? well...

...first of all, the song's title is fantastic.  for me it just evokes all kinds of rad imagery;  secondly, it's a deceptively simple song: sally seltmann's heavenly vocals, tinkly piano, a little brass and nothing else [ah, the beauty of simplicity!]; thirdly, it'll kick you square in the heart [this song has the exact same affect as slowdive's '40 days.'  depending on my mood it will uplift me or completely destroy me.  and i love that].   lastly, it's just a really, really gorgeous song. 

and you've probably heard at least one of her songs without even realizing.  sally originally wrote '1, 2, 3, 4' for feist.  when i first heard that it wasn't really too surprising.  '1, 2, 3, 4' could've very easily appeared on either of sally's albums.

speaking of albums, so far she's released two and i can't recommend either of them enough. it's pretty magical stuff.  both of them.  there's really something to be said for such simple songs packing such a wallop [and completely avoiding gimmicks or cheap tricks].   it's really refreshing, y'know? so if you find yourself with a couple of extra pennies, head on over to your local store and pick up 'somewhere, anywhere.'  just don't listen to it after a breakup.  it will set back your recovery a good year.

new buffalo: emotional champ
new buffalo: cheer me up thank you | video
new buffalo: i've got you and you've got me [song of contentment] | video

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