all for a good cause

my sister morgan has spent the last couple of weeks organizing a charity sale for christian and stephanie jackson, a couple from arizona who were recently in a plane crash and critically injured. the co-pilot on the flight was killed and christian and stephanie remain in medically induced comas while their bodies try to heal from the extensive burns and injuries they sustained. i hear skin grafts and months of recovery are in their mutual future. meanwhile, their children are staying with family while mom and dad work on getting better.

always one to volunteer her time and talents, morgan put out the message on her blog that she was going to organize a charity sale on an etsy site. the call was answered and amazingly so. packages began pouring in from all over the country, and even all over the world. today, the day before the sale is to begin, she's still getting dozens upon dozens of packages from people who just want to help. i sometimes get pretty cynical about the world and selfish we, as human beings, can be; so, it's refreshing and humbling to see just how many good and sincere people there are in the world. with all that's going on in the world right now, these great people have given their time and talents [everything for sale is handmade, i believe] for someone they don't even know. way to go, people from all over the world. you inspire me!

i suggest you check out the site first thing tomorrow and if you see something you like, buy it! the hot ticket item is a hand made doll modeled after stephanie and crafted by the ridiculously talented christine. my sister has received so many inquiries about the doll that she and christine decided to auction it off. may the highest bidder win! [i have a feeling it will fetch a pretty penny or two.]

all the proceeds go to christian and stephanie's recovery and every purchase comes with a free CD by rachelle call. so, if you feel like you want to do something good and get something cool in return, be there tomorrow morning and buy with confidence!

2 shout outs:

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Good for you and good for Morgan! I am proud of you! I will check her site out for sure.

Aim said...

I can't believe how well the benefit sale has been going. I have tried to buy but I just haven't been a fast enough clicker. You have an amazing sister.