'run run' | those dancing days

chalk up another for sweden. this time it's all-girl super funster band, those dancing days. i guess these gals have been around for a while now, but i'd never heard them until this past week. where have i been? these be some super great and fun songs.

my gosh, sweden. what up??

'run run' and 'hitten' [the first two singles] are right up there as two of my favorite songs this year. i really love them both. it's pretty easy to hear the northern soul/motown influences. and let's be honest, the musicianship leaves a bit to be desired; but the songs are so wonderfully upbeat and melodic that's it really pretty easy to overlook the minor flaws [i think it actually adds to the charm]. after all, from what i've read, 1/2 the band barely graduated high school. geez. i didn't even know my right hand from ear when i was 18.

the real star of the dancing days show, and what sets them apart from their contemporaries, is vocalist linnea jonsson's vocals. she quite a gifted vocalist who actually knows how to use her vibrato [she also gives beth rowley a run for her money in the 'poofiest hair of the year' contest']. trust me, kiddos, a couple doses of her voice and you'll need a&e to come do an intervention. [me, i wouldn't accept treatment. i love me some linnea jonsson. isn't she about the cutest thing you've ever seen?]

those dancing days' debut album, 'in our space hero suits,' drops october 8th. run [or click], don't walk, to your local store [physical or digital] and buy it! highly recommended.

those dancing days: run run | video
those dancing days: hitten | video

1 shout outs:

black trousers said...

What kind of genre you have guys?