'oh my heart' | james

what a happy day it was when the new james album, 'hey ma,' came out. the lohrkes have always been big james fans going back to the early 90s. we were all very sad when tim booth decided to leave the band and we were equally excited when we heard they were getting back together.

but this was no ordinary reunion. it was a reunion of the seven members from the 'seven' and 'laid' albums, including larry gott on guitar and andy diagram on trumpet. and i say this with all sincerity and without the slightest shred of hyperbole: this is the best stuff they've ever done. they sound completely revitalized, rejuvenated and full of purpose. bands simply aren't supposed to making great records like this at this stage of their careers. so, hats off to you, james, for continuing to make great records. thanks for making my life that much better....

james: oh my heart
james: waterfall
james: sit down | video

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