'hooray' | delays

wow, here's some good news: the new delays album, 'everything's the rush,' drops may 5th! 'hooray' is the first single, but i'm a little more inclined to 'touch down' [i've only heard a handful of tracks, so i can't say for certain which songs i'll like best, obviously.] but since it's the first single, it's worth posting here.

if you've not heard delays before, you're in for a treat. it's not too often these days you get some good, old-fashioned, hands-in-the-air, anthemic rock 'n roll! word.

delays: hooray | video
delays: valentine | video
delays: long time coming | video
delays: love made visible | video

2 shout outs:

Unknown said...

Hooray for Delays! They were my favorite band for a few months a while back. I have to say, watching the video made me think of Daft Punk's 'Harder, Better...' video. Which then led my brain to Jermaine saying "We don't look like Daft Punk. We wanted costumes that looked like Daft Punk." Delays, Daft Punk, Flight of the Conchords...all things I've been introduced to by you. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lohrke, I'm lovin this by the way!!!

Just droppin you a line :D

- Little T