'around the bend' | asteroids galaxy tour

hey! it's that new ipod song! it's a pretty great song, too.

sorry for the lack of updates lately. i flew down to my sister/brother-in-law's house on thanksgiving morning and i've been doing pretty much nothing but playing trains with my three year old nephew, henry. during the course of the trip, however, we did make it down to torrance to pay a visit to the buffy the vampire slayer house. it was pretty cool. i snapped some photos that i'll probably post here when i get back to utah. we're going to hit disneyland on wednesday, do a dodger stadium tour on monday or thursday [super stoked about that] and maybe hit some local comic shops. but mostly it's about spending time with the family. it's a lot of fun to have nieces and nephews. i highly recommend it!

in the meantime, enjoy asteroid's galaxy tour latest and greatest...

asteroids galaxy tour: around the bend | video
asteroids galaxy tour: the sun ain't shining no more

4 shout outs:

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

That girl in that picture looks like Kirsten Dunst. Have fun in Cali! Say hi to Henry and Kate for me. :)

Aim said...

Sound's like a fun trip!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! haha, the Buffy house - thanks man, now Lynn wants to go down for a visit to "Sunnydale" :^)

Anonymous said...

oh, i always thought that song was by santogold... learn something new every day. Happy hols!