'cut down,' by the electric cinema

it was only a matter of time before the arcade fire acolytes stepped up and began emulating their heroes (well, on some songs at least). this isn't necessarily a bad thing and is not meant as any sort of slight against this very excellent band. quite the contrary in fact. were it not for emulation and following blueprints set by other bands, there'd be like six bands in the world. for real.

but enough of that. the facts: just like every other decent band out there, the electric cinema hails from from that veritable spring of everlasting melodies a.k.a england. their debut album is called, believe it or not, 'the electric cinema,' and it's a tremendous record by a band that seems to be flying very low beneath the radar. so do you part, team. go visit them at their myspace page. and go buy the record. with tunes this solid they should be a bright and steady blip on everyone's radar. a 747-sized blip. for real (ok, that's twice i've said that in the same post. sorry for my lack of originality). i think i smell a huge breakthrough (both for the band and my writing abilities) sometime in the very near future.

��� the electric cinema: cut down
��� the electric cinema: i could know all of you

2 shout outs:

Vanessa said...

how can this be? a post at 745 am and according to my clock, it's only 113 am. Goes to show my bro is extremely passionate about music! We all reap the benefits!!!

Anonymous said...

repetitive jargon or no, I love your writing. and getting to know ... and like ... your music.