'repeat to fade,' by the shortwave set

so what do you do with a bad who describes itself as 'victorian funk?' well, you get yourself some frilly clothing and join the party, 'cos i'm telling you, this is one extraordinary band (you don't have to take make word it, either. danger mouse says the shortwave set is his current favorite band. see, i knew danger mouse and i could be friends). their debut album, the cleverly titled 'the debt collection' (they are expert samplers. listen to them sample madness on 'casual use') was one of my absolute favorites of 2006. it came out in 2005. i was a bit late...

'the debt collection' is one of the few albums i never tire of listening to, and every time i do listen to it, it evokes an emotion i can't really place. it's not quite nostalgia. it's not quite yearning. it's not quite longing. it's not quite heartbreak. and maybe this is the shortwave set's gift to us: to introduce us to emotions we never knew we had and never new existed. what will their new album, 'sun replica man' (slated for a 2008 release and helmed by danger mouse himself), reveal? stay tuned. the possibilities are tremendous.

��� the shortwave set: repeat to fade / video
��� the shortwave set: is it any wonder
��� the shortwave set: just goes to show
��� the shortwave set: casual use

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