'whatever you want,' by club 8

they say that james brown was the hardest working man in show business. if that's the case, then johan angergard is easily the hardest working man in pop music. mr angergard has not one, not two, but three bands: acid house kings, club 8, and the legends. i would think that one excellent band would be enough to make anyone happy. i can't imagine what it must be like to be part of three excellent bands. but johann is just that. where was i when god was passing out talent? did i miss that day? was i at the back of the line? was i over in the corner shooting marbles? i digress...

here's club 8's newest track, 'whatever you want.' it's classic club 8 and borrows its opening notes from cyndi lauper's 'time after time.' cool. karolina's slightly-pinched barely-there vocals are as guileless and naive as ever (in her case this is a compliment) and johann continues to provide flawless pallates for her gentle cooing. in short, it's sugar pop without the bitter aftertaste.

the story goes that the new club 8 album, 'the boy who couldn't stop dreaming,' is due to drop sometime next month. any day a new club 8 album arrives is a happy day indeed. when in the song's opening line karolina asks, 'am i ok here?' all you can say is, 'yes, luv. yes, you are.'

��� club 8: whatever you want
��� acid house kings: 7 days/video (from 'sing along with the acid house kings, 2005)
��� the legends: darling (from 'facts and figures,' 2006)

1 shout outs:

Vanessa said...

be still my ever beating heart.

i LOVE club 8.

I love you for posting this song!

::: sigh :::