'war on sound [edit]' by moonbabies

moonbabies made an appearance on this here list about a year ago or so with the great track, 'sun a.m.' their newest album, 'moonbabies at the ballroom' came out not too terribly long ago and it's another champ of a record. you really can't go wrong with a single song on the album. true story. oh yeah, and like paola and a whole slew of incredible bands, they're from sweden, too.

'war on sound' is vintage moonbabies. it's all about precision and 'war on sound' is razor sharp. carina and ola have some really nice vocal stuff going on, too. their voices just seem to fit. and lucky for us they do. if you've not heard them before, i think you'll dig it.

anyway, happy friday and enjoy yourself some moonbabies.

moonbabies: war on sound [edit]
moonbabies: take me to the ballroom
moonbabies: cocobelle

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