#7 'we r the handclaps,' junior senior [mp3]

few songs out there capture the magic of what it's like to be an audiophile, so it's really refreshing to hear a song so unabashedly in love with music. none of of this fake-tortured-artist-angnst garbage a la conor oberst. it's all about the good times and god bless 'em for it. just look at the picture to the left there. these guys are definitely having a good time. yeah.

but it takes more than mere jollification to be one of my favorite songs. junior senior are some seriously talented danes. coming from anyone else, 'we r the handclaps' would've been little more than novelty or pastiche; but 'we r the handclaps' is a labor of love, an homage to all things aurally funky and righteous. and it's all done with such skill and unrestrained enthusiasm that's it hard not to get caught up the wave. like tim sendra wrote, 'their heavenly mix of mix of giddy silliness, pop smarts and pop culture overload makes [we r the handclaps] a fun-filled joyride from beginning to end.' by the end of the song you'll wan to to be a handclap, too.

as for me, i'll just say 'i'm so in love with the music! i never wanna wanna wanna go home!'

0 shout outs: