#8 'to build a home,' the cinematic orchestra featuring patrick watson [mp3]

the cinematic orchestra is one of those bands i finally discovered this year. it seems like i was the last one! but that's quite all right, i suppose. better late than never, as they say. but i do have to say that it's kind of surprising i hadn't gotten to them sooner. i love jazz [love love love jazz] and so-called 'indie' rock [a misnomer if ever there was one], so it stands to reason i would love a band which embraces them both. in fact, it's kind of strange, but very cool, to see a band [are they, in fact, a band? i dunno] like the cinematic orchestra find gain so much traction in the 'indie' scene.

'to build a home' is kind of this year's 'hope there's someone.' guest vocalist patrick watson doesn't quite have antony's flair for the dramatic, but his hushed, almost muted, vocal performance packs the same emotional punch. it's kind of a gut wrenching record to listen to, but since it's such a beautiful song, i assume it has a pretty wide appeal. i certainly played it to death. even 'friday night lights' featured it in an episode. i wouldn't be surprised if it's not the last time we hear in a movie, tv show, or commercial. it's also got one of my favorite lyrics of the year: 'i climbed the tree to see the world.' simple and effective. that's the way it should be.

and by way of advice, don't listen to if your nursing a broken heart. take my word for it. just don't.

0 shout outs: