SONG OF THE DAY (#241) a.k.a the post-birthday blues...

'wow,' by kylie minogue

i know i said i wasn't going to post any 'song[s] of the day,' but i've been enjoying the new kylie minogue so much that i just had to post a song or two. it's funny 'cos the first time i listened to 'x,' it didn't do much for me. i thought it was kind of a mess, poorly sequenced, and just sort of all over the map. i've seen the error of my ways, though. boy, have i ever. i've had this cd in my car for three weeks straight. it's about all i'm listening to these days.

rumor has it that 'wow' is the next single off 'x.' i think it's a really good choice. in fact, i like this song much more than '2 hearts,' the first single. it just makes me wanna boogie. i love the 'wow wow wow' part. excellent. actually, very excellent.

don't be surprised if 'x' spawns at least three more singles--maybe more. now that i've listened to 'x' several dozen times, i think there are only 3 of the 13 songs don't have single potential. that's pretty remarkable if you ask me, especially considering her recent health struggles. what i'm basically trying to say is i adore this woman. that is all.

kylie minogue: wow
kylie minogue: the one

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