comic book nerd from the start...

i was cleaning out my storage unit a couple of weeks ago and found this old spider-man comic at the bottom of box. i knew i had a copy of it somewhere, but i hadn't the slightest idea where. i'd been thinking about it since i've rejoined the ranks of comic collectors, so i was happy to find it.

i don't remember how old i was when i drew and wrote this, but i was probably around nine or ten. it seems like i was in 5th grade at the time, so that sounds about right. clearly i was ambitious from an early age--just check out that $.05 price tag! i doubt anyone bought one, but i do have a faint memory of trying to talk someone into giving me their hard-earned change for five pages of spidey action! hey, a penny a page is a good deal in anyone's book! [my modest attempts at earning a little money later escalated to charging $3 for a cassette copy of the fantastic fixx's debut album, '1950 chevy.' i didn't sell any of those, either. but hey, can't blame a kid for trying, right?]

at any rate, this gave me a laugh and maybe it'll give you a laugh, too. nostalgia is fun and i'm glad i have a copy of this little piece of my childhood.

7 shout outs:

Aim said...

Matt you were born an artist! Arthur and Orson would totally dig that. They love spiderman even though they have never seen the movies or the comics.

matt lohrke said...

hey, thanks! faces, obviously, were never my strong point. :)

janabananagirl said...

Wow! You draw too? Is there anything you can't do?

matt lohrke said...

thanks, jana. :) in truth, i haven't done a thing since high school. i just kind of lost interest in art -- though i've dying to get back on the electric wheel and do some pottery...

Kelly said...

WICK!! That comic book is wicked. I would have bought it for at least a quarter ;). It's so fun to find things and recollect from childhood.

I am Chree-uz. said...

That's sweet! Hahaha I need to dig up some of my old drawerings from back in the day.

Is it just me, or are you calling Venom "black cat"? haha classic

matt lohrke said...

haha, yes. i definitely got my villians crossed. funny, that. i think at the time i was more into the art than the story, so the particulars, like names, were probably on me. :)