'questions' | dark captain light captain

i can barely keep my eyes open right now [rough night's sleep, or rather lack of sleep, last night], so i apologize for the brevity of this post. and i apologize to whoever took this picture i stole from someone's flickr account.

i really like these guys. it's surprising 'cos i don't normally dig this kind of music; but 'questions' is such a beautiful song that i could help but love it. i also don't know much about these kids except that their album, 'miracle kicker,' hits stores at the end of the month. it's really quite a remarkable and beautiful album. i highly recommend it!

oh, and just by way of disclosure, there are a couple of potty words in the song, just in case, you know, you have an aversion to potty words. ;)

dark captain: questions
dark captain: jealous enemies

by the way, you can find a great remix of 'questions' here. it's part of a free 4-part compilation with songs approved by the bands themselves. kudos to for making it happen.

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