'sleepyhead' | passion pit

so i was driving home from work this afternoon, er, evening, and i heard this groovy song on the xm radio. the cool thing about the xm is that they show you the artist and song title on the little display. i caught this song about halfway home that i found a pen in my driver's side pocket-thingy and wrote 'passion pit' on my hand. thankfully i had a pen handy! [i usually have to repeat to myself a band's name i see on the xm ten times in attempt to commit it to memory only to forget it the second i get home and start thinking about food].

so, with 'passion pit' on my hand i sat down at the computer after watching the phillies down the rays in game 5 [i fully expect to wake up, turn on the news, and discover philadelphia has burned to the ground] and watching the last half of 'modern marvels' on the history channel and learning that bees wax, after going through some processes i can't remember for the life of me [nor could i understand them even if i did remember them], can actually absorb oil spills, grime, grease, etc, and make it disappear completely. it was truly fascinating. this discovery, for me, is right up there with the guy or gal who sat down one day and thought, 'i wonder what will happen if i sit down and whip some egg whites really fast.' voila! meringue! [not to be confused with merengue, the spicy dance, which i often do.] brilliant, that.

anyway, i started searching online to see what i could find out about passion pit [they're from beantown --chowdah!--and they are very awesome. then i decided i should check my itunes 'cos i've always got hidden gems on there that i never knew i had. well, lo and behold, there it was--passion pit's debut e.p., 'chunk of change.' more like 'chunk of awesome!' sure, they owe more than a small debt to acts like MGMT and the postal service, but who cares?

check it out. now.

passion pit: sleepyhead | video
passion pit: sleepyhead [landau walk-up remix]

1 shout outs:

Anonymous said...

i love the whole ep, although there was one song that sounded uncannily like an lcd soundsystem song, can't remember which one. but yeah, very joyous and fun!