'for love' | lush

so here's a funny story. about a dozen years ago or so i got sick. really, really sick. probably the sickest i'd been in a long time. i was in bed for days, i had the shakes, the fever, the total body ache. it was pretty bad and i was in pretty bad shape. so i was laying there in bed, drifting in and out of consciousness, and listening to lush's album, 'spooky,' over and over. my stereo [the one i still own and use daily -- props to j.v.c. for a killer stereo!] had a repeat function, so when a tape came to the end, it automatically flipped sides and continued. i guess that call that the 'continuous play' function and not 'repeat.' anyway.

i'd gotten a copy of lush's 'spooky' on cassette tape from my place of employment about a week or two earlier. i would have rather had it on CD, but for $1.99 [it was a cut out], i couldn't pass it up -- and besides, i didn't have a CD player in my car, so a tape was just fine. i was just discovering lush and the whole shoegazer scene, so i was listening to it a lot. and miki, the lead vocalist, is really hot, so that was added bonus. i think just about every dood who listened to this kind of music was in love with her. that red hair was just off-the-charts hot and she really knows how to rock that rickenbaker.

so anyway, as i said, i was drifting in and out of consciousness, totally coked up out of my mind on nyquil or whatever it was i took, and having really, really, really bizarre dreams. i remember my mom coming in at one point and asking me how i was doing. i distinctly remember telling her that i was playing in a women's singles match at wimbledon and that i was having problems with my skirt. i don't know if my skirt kept flying up, or if it was the wrong color, or something else. i just knew i was having problems with it and i wasn't happy about it. at one point my little sister, megan, poked her head in the door and started busting up at my medically-induced psychosis. that only made me madder, of course, because i was 100% certain i was playing a women's match at wimbledon and no one could convince me otherwise. the more she laughed, the more upset i got. i guess i finally just crashed out and fell back to sleep.

the moral of the story: don't listen to shoegazer music while coked up on nyquil. it will give you a serious trip. i've never tripped on anything, but i imagine it was similar to my lush/nyquil/flu experience. freaky stuff, man. freaky stuff. it was kind of that flight of the conchords episode in which brett deams about david bowie. 'am i freaking you out, brett? is this a freaky dream?'

lush was a great, great band. i really miss them. but after drummer chris ackland's suicide, i think the prospect of going on was just too much for them. i'm just thankful i got to see them live before the went splitsville.

lush: for love | video
lush: hypocrite | video
lush: ciao! [duet w/jarvis cocker]

1 shout outs:

kurt said...

miki now is living with her boyfriend. the dude's from another shoegazer band, moose. they have i kid.